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Surface Pro 4 on Windows 10 LTSB

  1. Open File Explorer to > This PC
  2. Choose which folders appear on Start (+Downloads)
    GPEDIT.MSC Computer > Admin > Windows >
  3. Onedrive
    • Disable “Save Documents to Onedrive”
    • Enable “Prevent the usage”
  4. Add features to Windows 10 - Enable “Prevent the wizard”
  5. Application Compatibility - enable “Turn off App Telemetry”
  6. Autoplay Policies - enable “Turn off Autoplay”
  7. Cloud Content
    • Enable “Do not show Windows tips”
    • Enable “Turn off Microsoft experience”
  8. Desktop Gadgets - enable “Turn off desktop gadgets”
  9. Windows Update - set “Configure auto updates” to Notify
  10. Data Collection
    • Set “Allow Telemetry” to 0
    • Enable “Do not show feedback notification”
  11. Windows Defender - enable “Turn off Windows Defender”
guide/surface.txt · Last modified: 2018/06/11 12:05 by miro

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