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Brisbane Survivor

I'm putting together a team of players and gamemakers to participate in a makeshift survivor adventure.

Players: 5

Actual players of the game, aiming for 6 to 12 to keep it simple.

# player from reddit last contact
P01 D partner b_p
P02 T reddit t_s 08/03/20
P03 P reddit p_5 04/03/20
P04 A friend
P05 K friend

Game Makers: 1

The game makers create the challenges and are responsible for event logistics.

# gamemaker reddit
G01 Miro supervivor

Possible event locations

Preferably with:

  • abundant car park
  • water, tables, bbq facilities
  • outdoors gym equipment
# Location
L1 Frew Park
L2 Walkabout Creek Discovery Centre
L3 Merthyr Park playground


  • Should be above all: SAFE FAIR FUN
  • Should challenge the following: Strength Precision Endurance Intelligence Agility
  • Sneak Peak:
    • Jinga fire
    • knock and rebuild
pub/survivor.txt ยท Last modified: 2020/03/12 00:39 by miro

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