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Weapon Masters

  • Alliance
    • Ilyenia Moonfire | Warrior's Terrace, Darnassus | Daggers, Fist Weapons, Staves, Bows, Thrown Weapons
    • Buliwyf Stonehand | Military Ward, Ironforge | Guns, Axes, Maces, Fist Weapons
    • Bixi Wobblebonk | Military Ward, Ironforge | Daggers, Crossbows, Thrown Weapons
    • Woo Ping | Trade District, Stormwind | Crossbows, Daggers, Swords, Polearms, Staves
  • Horde
    • Hanashi | Valley of Honor, Orgrimmar | Bows, Thrown Weapons, Axes, Staves
    • Sayoc | Valley of Honor, Orgrimmar | Bows, Thrown Weapons, Axes, Staves, Daggers, Fist Weapons
    • Ansekhwa | Lower Rise, Thunder Bluff | Guns, Maces, Staves
    • Archibald | War Quarter, Undercity | Crossbows, Daggers, Swords, Polearms

Pet Loyalty

To → From %XP Time
1 - 2 5 0
2 - 3 5 30
3 - 4 5 45
4 - 5 5 60
5 - 6 5 90


Herbalism Mining First Aid
1 Peacebloom + Silverleaf 205 Firebloom 1 Copper + Elementium 1 Linen
15 Earthroot 210 Purple Lotus 65 Tin 40 Heavy Linen
50 Mageroyal 220 Arthas' Tears 75 Silver + Bronze 80 Wool + Anti Venom
70 Briarthron 230 Sungrass 125 Iron 115 Heavy Wool
85 Strangekelp 235 Blindweed 155 Gold 130 Strong Anti Venom
100 Bruiseweed 245 Ghost Mushroom 165 Steel 150 Silk
115 Wild Steelbloom 250 Gromsblood 175 Mithril 180 Heavy Silk
120 Grave Moss 260 Golden Sansam 230 Truesilver 210 Mageweave
125 Kingsblood 270 Dreamfoil 245 Thorium 240 Heavy Mageweave
150 Liferoot 280 Mountain Silversage 275 Rich Thorium 260 Runecloth
160 Fadeleaf 285 Plaguebloom 290 Heavy Runecloth
170 Goldthorn 290 Icecap 300 Powerful Anti Venom
185 Khadgar's Whisker 300 Black Lotus
195 Wintersbite


Tailoring Alchemy Engineering Leatherworking
1 Bolt of Linen Cloth 1 Minor Healing Potion 1 Rough Blasting Powder 1 Light Armor Kit or Light Leather
50 Heavy Linen Gloves 60 Lesser Healing Potion 41 Handful of copper bolts 45 Handstitched Leather Cloak
60 Red Linen Shirt 110 Healing potion 55 Rough copper bomb 55 Embossed Leather Gloves
65 Reinforced Linen Cape 140 Lesser Mana Potion 75 copper tube 100 Fine Leather Belt
75 Bolt of Woolen Cloth 155 Greater Healing Potion 91 copper modulator 123 Dark Leather Boots
105 Gray Woolen Shirt 185 Elixir of Agility 111 practice lock 137 Dark Leather Pants
110 Double-stitched Woolen Shoulders 210 Elixir of Greater Defense 121 bronze tube 155 Hillman's Leather Gloves
125 Bolt of Silk Cloth 215 Superior Healing Potion 135 whirring bronze gizmo 165 Heavy Armor Kit
145 Azure Silk Hood 230 Elixir of Detect Undead 151 bronze framework 180 Hillman's Leather Gloves
160 Silk Headband 250 Elixir of Greater Agility 171 silver contact 183 Barbaric Shoulders
170 Formal White Shirt 265 Superior Mana Potion 185 iron gfrenade 191 Barbaric Harness
175 Bolt of Mageweave 285 Major Healing Potion 195 big iron bomb 196 Dusky Bracers
185 Crimson Silk Vest 211 hi impact mithril slug 206 Thick Armor Kit
205 Crimson Silk Pantaloons 235 unstable trigger 220 Nightscape Headband
215 Black Mageweave Leggings 241 mithril casing 225 Turtle Scale Breastplate
220 Black Mageweave Gloves 255 dense blasting powder 227 Turtle Scale Gloves
230 Black Mageweave Headband 261 hi explosive bomb 229 Nightscape Tunic
250 Bolt of Runecloth 271 thorium widget 230 Nightscape Headband
260 Runecloth Belt 289 thorium shells 232 Turtle Scale Bracers
275 Runecloth Bag 233 Turtle Scale Helm
280 Runecloth Gloves 235 Nightscape Pants
260 Golden Sansam 237 Nightscape Boots
239 Wild Leather Vest
240 Wild Leather Helmet
241 Nightscape Pants
250 Nightscape Boots
265 Wicked Leather Bracers
285 Wicked Leather Headband

Zul Gurub

Class Head/Pants Coins Set Rep
Priest Focus + Tabard Zulian Razzashi Hakkari Wrist Friendly
Druid Protection + Bindings Sandfury Skullsplitter Bloodscalp Belt Honored
Warrior Protection + Aegis Gurubashi Vilebranch Witherbark Shoulder Revered
Rogue Rapidity + Kossack
Hunter Rapidity + Stanchion Honor Tokens
Mage Focus + Girdle Revered + 3 tokens 50 stam spirit 3% reflect 20% speed
Warlock Focus + Armsplint Exalted + 15 tokens 30 ap 18 dmg 33 heal



vendor trash
/run for bag=0,4,1 do for slot=1,GetContainerNumSlots(bag),1 do local name=GetContainerItemLink(bag,slot) if name and string.find(name,"ff9d9d9d") then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("- Selling " UseContainerItem(bag,slot) end end end
/run px,py=GetPlayerMapPosition("player")
/run DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(format("%s: %.1f, %.1f",GetZoneText(),px*100,py*100));
get mail content then delete
/run if GetInboxNumItems() >= 1 then TakeInboxItem(1, 1); TakeInboxMoney(1); onski = GetInboxItem(1, 1); if onski == nil then DeleteInboxItem(1); end end
lua addon code for /echo command
SLASH_BLAH1 = "/echo"
SlashCmdList["BLAH"] = function(msg, editBox)


smite / holy fire
/run if IsAltKeyDown() then CastSpellByName("Holy Fire") else CastSpellByName("Smite") end
renew without refreshing
/run t=0 if not UnitIsFriend("player","target") then t=1;TU("player") end k=0 for i=1,16 do s=UnitBuff("target", i); if s=="Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Holy_Renew" then k=i end end if k==0 then CSBN("Renew") else ECHOR("RENEW OK") end if t==1 then TLT() end

Hunt Twink 19

  • Head: Green Tinted Goggles (engineering 150)
  • Neck: Scout’s Medallion (wsg honored)
  • Shoulder: *Talbar Mantle (WC quest)
  • Back: *Sentry Cloak (19 BOE) [armor +70]
  • Chest: Blackened Defias Armor (DM BOP 19) [health +100]
  • Bracers: *Forest Leather Brace [stamina +7]
  • Weapon: Crescent Staff (WC Q 14) / Twisted Chanter's Staff (BOE) [agility + ]
  • Ranger: *Venomstrike (WC BOP 19) [accurate scope +3]
  • Quiver: *Medium Quiver
  • Gloves: *Scouting Gloves (BOE 18) [agility +7]
  • Belt: *Deviate Scale Belt
  • Legs: *Leggings of the Fang
  • Feet: Feet of the Lynx [minor speed increase]
  • Finger: Lavishly Jeweled Ring (DM BOP 17)
  • Finger: Seal of Sylvanas (SFK Q 18)
  • Trinket: Minor Recombobulator (engineering 140)
  • Trinket: Insignia of the Horde



Ragefire Chasm

Weiling Caverns

Shadowfang Keep



Green Hills pages

  • Chapter 1 - 1, 4, 6, 8
  • Chapter 2 - 10, 11, 14, 16
  • Chapter 3 - 18, 20, 21, 24
  • Chapter 4 - 25, 26, 27

Sunken Temple order

  • The order is S, N, SW, SE, NW, NE.
pub/wow.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/11 08:54 by miro

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